xenol's blog

Chance favors the prepared mind

Jun 1, 2012 - 1 minute read - personal

Passed RHCE exam

I took and passed both Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) and Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exams. The certification is valid for 3 years. After that you have to either retake RHCE exam or pass other higher level Red Hat certification in order to prolong certification validity. RHCSA exam took 2.5 hours and RHCE 2 hours. I was nearly done after 1 hour and used the remaining time for checking.

Feb 11, 2012 - 2 minute read - OpenIndiana

OpenIndiana involvement

I have been watching OpenSolaris development for a long time. As a technology fan, I really like all the cool features OpenSolaris offers: ZFS filesystem capabilities, service management with SMF, dynamic tracing and application debugging with DTrace, container-based virtualization with Solaris zones, network virtualization with Crossbow, safe system upgrades and downtime minimalization via Boot Environments and integratiom of all these features together makes it perfect operating system for a server. However, OpenSolaris is dead and it continues to live as OpenIndiana, which is a Illumos-based derivate.

Feb 4, 2012 - 2 minute read - sysadmin FreeBSD

Easy FreeBSD jail management with ZFS and pkgng

I have been using FreeBSD jails ever since I started using FreeBSD on my servers. Jail can be described as a chroot on steroids with own users, process namespace and lately own virtualized network stack. I am using FreeBSD jails for mainly for securing and separating services. Each service runs in its own separated container on its own ZFS dataset. Each dataset is a ZFS clone from the snapshot of the template jail, which is adapted to have software I need in every jail installed (zsh, git, vim…) and configured.

Jan 6, 2012 - 1 minute read


Welcome to my personal blog! I had an idea of creating personal blog for a very long time. However, I was always lazy to do so. When I was looking for some blogging engine, I realized that none of the major ones suited me. So I started to experiment with various setups and then I discovered jekyll, which is static blog generator. I like the idea of having a blog completely stored in version control of my choice and served as static pages.